
Tabby Cat

Our new 10 week old kitten…he’s ferocious…I am only partly kidding.

(larger image)

(see a larger image)

Before Photoshop…

lincolnLong before Photoshop or the personal computer came on the scene, photographs have been edited or “improved” upon before being shown to the public. Take a look at this interesting study on Dartmouth’s website that shows photo touch up back to 1860.

(I learned about this here.)

“Dare to Be Disliked”

Whenever I share an image that I have created I feel a bit vulnerable. Each image I create is a part of me…a part that want people to look at, to like and to enjoy. Do you relate to that?

I read a great article today at “The Creative Instinct” titled “Dare to be Disliked“. Andrew Leigh, the author, discusses the following idea: “When it comes to your creative output, if you want to be loved, learn to be loathed.”

I found his writing to be liberating.

Thank you, Andrew.

If you are interested in wedding photography here are a couple of good resources – these photographer know what they are talking about:

California Fires

The fires burning in Southern California have been so devastating. My heart goes out to all the residents there. Here a few links for more info: